This is so spooky. The Web Ouija even knows what barnacles are thinking. I just stop my mouse on a question and it speaks! It will even tell you what's in the trash can. The Web Ouija does need Shockwave though and we (a two headed barnacle) don't, so there.

You can get a Web Ouija for home by downloading the Home version. With a home version you can add all sorts of words and the Web Ouija will pick the appropriate ones. Ask it all sorts of questions from "who loves you?" to "what color should your room be?"

The site version allows you to put a Web Ouija on your site and you tell it the list the Ouija will pick from. Put in a list of cars they could buy or videos to rent. Put the Ouija on your page of links and the Ouija will tell you which ones to go to.

I have heard that the all-mighty Web Ouija will be nicer to you if you give to the Tallest Hat in the World.

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